By proadAccountId-422547 October 26, 2020
Why has Ombré Powder brow become the next big thing? LESS INVASIVE: Ombré powder brows are achieved using a small machine, which disperses extremely fine dots of pigments evenly into and across the skin in an airbrush or shading technique. Microblading uses a hand-tool that creates incisions or small cuts into the skin. 
Ombre Powder technique is a light brush movement covering the whole brow evenly. Microblading is making cuts. Skin, especially on the tails can be very thin. You have to be very careful with your pressure. I have seen many many people come to me with a build up of scar tissue that have had previous microblading and other artists have gone too deep. It's a very fine line. LESS PAIN & BLEEDING: Ombré powder brows are less painful due to the airbrush-like technique we apply, which creates less trauma to the skin vs. the blading technique of microblading. The latter also creates cuts into the skin, thus more bleeding is involved. With ombré powder brows, minimal to zero blood surfaces during the procedure. Some of our clients say that getting ombré powder brows is a similar sensation to an electric toothbrush pressed against the skin or rapid tweezing; some discomfort is to be expected.
 BETTER CONTINUOUS RESULTS: Results do vary based on lifestyle, skin type, health, preferences, etc., but a single ombré powder brows session is far less traumatic on your skin. Microblading, over years, has a high likelihood of healing blotchy, spotty or with blurred strokes, thus requiring more frequent touch-ups, generating more long term wear and tear on the skin, eventually maxing out the skin’s lifetime capacity quickly. Like any injury to the skin, the body repairs the wounded area by building collagen fibers, creating a scar. Both treatments will eventually dull out the skin in this way permanently, so choosing the right method to save your skin integrity is critical.
 GREAT FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: Ombré Powder brows are great for any skin type, unlike microblading, which is not suitable for those with oily skin. Microblading on oily skin requires several touch-ups, which causes more trauma to the skin. 
 STILL LOOKS NATURAL: While ombré powder brows have a more “filled-in” look, the healed results appear like softly shaded brow pencil or powder. I always keep the fronts lighter giving a softer look. Still, Immediately after the treatment, ombré powder brows can appear more saturated and bold, however, brows will fade 20-30%, leaving a very soft finish.
By proadAccountId-422547 October 26, 2020
Lynton are a specialist team of UK-based physicists & aestheticians with over 25 years’ experience in manufacturing high-specification equipment. Unlike other device manufacturers, Lynton is the only laser and IPL manufacturer in the world that began as an academic project, with the sole purpose of developing medical grade equipment. Unsurprisingly, Lynton’s technology remains some of the best in the world they are the only laser and IPL company to be listed as a supplier to the National Health Service. We understand that when using aesthetic technology, our customers need to be sure of its quality, integrity, reliability, honesty and care as well as the post-purchase support available. In 1994, Lynton was formed by a group of PhD Physicists working at the University of Manchester. The team was working on the development of one of the world’s first Q-switched tattoo removal lasers, a project they then decided to commercialise, making this new and exciting technology available to UK aesthetic and medical practitioners. Lynton have continued to develop superior and revolutionary technology in 2019 at the UK Aesthetics Awards Lynton were voted ‘Best UK Manufacturer’.
By archantlocalimpact October 12, 2020
It's no secret that sunscreen is a skincare must-have! Not only does it protect our skin it also helps preserve your results from Laser and IPL treatments such as hair removal. ----- BEFORE a laser hair removal treatment: you’ll need to avoid sun exposure (this includes tanning beds and fake tans) for a minimum of four weeks prior to treatment. AFTER a laser hair removal treatment: You’ll need to keep the treated area out of the sun (tanning beds too) for at least a week.
By proadAccountId-422547 October 1, 2019
Lots of people ask, does microblading hurt? The truthful answer is 'yes' a little bit, the best way to describe the feeling is an annoying scratch! I don't use a pre-numbing cream before I start microblading, there are 2 reasons for this, firstly by the time you have wiped off the numbing cream and drawn the shapes, the numbing cream would of worn off, and secondly, it makes the skin and pores different, it's hard to explain how, but it's sort of slippery. I have tested pre numbing on clients coming back for a top up with out it and there wasn't much difference in the feeling with or with out it, so there we are. I've scrapped that idea. The 2nd phase of the microblading process is where I have to dip my ink, on the tip of the tiny blade and put more pigment back in the little cut. This bit would hurt, so I use a good topical anesthetic. You can't feel a thing. And people have been known to fall asleep, snoring.....(I'll mention no names). So there we have it. Every body feels pain differently. Everyone can tolerate it. I'm very gentle. It's literally just a scratch. People that micro blade deeper than this are doing it wrong!! If you micro blade too deep, the pigment turns a blue/grey and it will last for years, just like a normal tattoo. So don't be scared. You're in safe hands xxxx
Skin and Brows Specialist
By Sammie July 17, 2019
Who are SKIN: Brows & Cosmetics?
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